Customer Testimonials

Great Service

Greetings! I appreciate all of the good service that you have provided in the consultation, delivery and installation of my new Aqua 2000 Onyx system. One of the reasons that attracted me to move into this house in the Riverpark… [Continue Reading] “Great Service”

Lieutenant Commander Dan Frost
U.S. Navy

We Love It!!!

Since we’ve been using the water filtration system and softener, we’ve been drinking more water and have spent less money on soaps, shampoos and lotions. It takes less to form a thick lather and my skin stays hydrated without that… [Continue Reading] “We Love It!!!”

Mrs. Susan G.

Baby’s first bath!

We were thrilled that our newborn’s first bath was with CLEAN soft… [Continue Reading] “Baby’s first bath!”

Priscilla M.

Why did we wait so long?

Thank you so much for the wonderful deal on our new water system. We can’t believe we waited so long to get it. We appreciate your thoroughness in explaining to us how it works and how to maintain it. You… [Continue Reading] “Why did we wait so long?”

Placido M.

Very Happy

In less than 30 days at my new residence I noticed the calcium build up on my shower doors and on my supposedly “cleaned” dishes out of the dishwasher. I started to wonder what these mineral deposits were leaving on… [Continue Reading] “Very Happy”

A Happy Family

Finally, Soft Water!

The City of Anaheim has extremely hard water, so I knew I wanted to purchase a water softener for my home. I did my research and received a couple of high quotes, so I thought I would never be able… [Continue Reading] “Finally, Soft Water!”

Francisco M.

Bad Tasting Water, Gone!

When we first moved into our house, we could tell the water had a bad taste. We weren’t sure what kinds of water purification systems were available. The purification demonstration in our own kitchen was great. It was an easy… [Continue Reading] “Bad Tasting Water, Gone!”

Darin and Julie